Wednesday, October 10, 2007

20/20 last night

These kids were on TV last night. Sponsored by 17 companies or something like that. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of compensation and merch. An eager and enthusiastic father...


Lew said...

scary thought, all those companies coming after those kids with all their marketing and money and stuff...

Lew said...

also kind of shocking when you think about how the rates of serious sports injuries among youth, nowadays... if it's coming from them, good. but if they're being pushed into it by parents and peers, or pulled into it by money and fame, NOT GOOD... hope their dad protects them...

Lew said...

...and there is something gross and circus-y about our culture here, no? at what point does this kind of thing become exploitative? I'm not saying it is, or that I could tell, but what about that?

Lew said...

...I'm glad these kids get such a chance to rip. thoughts of the fate of child stars keep running through my head...

Lew said...

another thought: their boards are HUGE to them. I just raised my wheelbase 2 inches to 16 inches and have had a big boost in ollie control. Airs, grabs, ollies-- all easier on longer boards! I think that's where it's going.